Week 4

My practice has gone from a documentary approach to telling stories. In this module I have adopted a storytelling approach to my work.

For my research project I have been reading a book I started in the first module called 'A Little History of Religion' by Richard Holloway. He was the Bishop of Edinburgh, but after spending a lifetime practicing Anlgo-Catholicism he retired and turned his back to the Church in 2000. I find this fascinating because stepping away from something, at the age of 65, that has shaped your identity throughout your life is a big deal and takes a lot of courage. I find his thoughts important and relevant to my research project: 'Religion in the 21st Century'. Richard has a modern view on faith and has now adopted an agnostic worldview.

For my research project I want to explore the narrative of an alternative religion. In this religion God is electronical and he talks to people through their electronic devices. The image below is the beginnings of me developing this narrative for my research project. Genesis 1:27 "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them". My God is like an AI God; his power has been created by an unknown entity.

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