Week 10
Project Development 

I shared a mock up of my WIP Portfolio to some of my peers this week.


The feedback I received was constructive and in line with some of my own concerns. I need to work on the text as I want the story to be simple but to still "pack a punch". There are two images that I am struggling with. The first image doesn't feel like it fits with the work; I think the aspect ratio is wrong and I need to think about how various aspect ratios sit together. Panoramic images are bold and feel very different from more widely used aspect ratios.

The other image I'm struggling with is this image: I like what I am saying, but it doesn't feel quite right. I don't know whether it is the cinema setting or the colour of the cinema seats that is making the image not work for me.

My peers enjoyed the concept, but they said that the violent images made it feel like I was going in a different direction. They suggested I think about how I can contextualise these images, by using quotes or other images to connect the violent images better.  I agree with this and I am going to work on this before I submit the portfolio.