Week 12
Portfolio Submission 

I have had a difficult time deciding what is the best sequence for my portfolio. I have been through many options, but I have decided to go for a two page spread presentation. The reason for this is that I think my images are stronger alongside text and I think some images work better together. Hopefully I have made the right decision and I will be apprehensively waiting for my result.

Week 11

This week I have been thinking about the sequencing of my WIP Portfolio. My current layout feels disjointed and I have too many pieces of text paper. I did implement the changes to my portfolio from week 10 -


I need to rearrange my images and text to improve my narrative. A comment was made to me that I should be bolder; in reflection I think that this is a fair comment. My practice involves bringing different styles together to tell my story, however because my sequencing is wrong my porfilio feels meesy and disjointed. I have been researching how other practitioners sequence their portfolios/books.

Chris Marker 'La Jetee' is a good reference point for the use of words and images. In-particular his use of 'sizing' helps to draw you in to either text or images. You can see in the images below that the text is not overpowering. I feel that in  earlier drafts of my portfolio the text was overpowering.

As we turn the page of Maker’s 'La Jetee' we move to a full bleed image which establishes our world.

We then go to a smaller text page, which slows me down to read and focus on the story. The movement from small to full bleed sequencing continues throughout the book. Maker's use of small text moving to full bleed images helps to increase the impact at important moments in the book. For example the introduction of a woman's face which is a poignant moment.

'The Great Unreal' by Taiyo Onorato & Nico Krebs which was recommended to me by my tutor is another good reference for sequencing. Onorato and Krebs' book only includes images. So, it relies on the strength of the pictures and the sequencing. When you open the book you are greeted by 2 diptychs which set the tone and create a feeling that you are going on a journey. The book is broken up by blank pages, which feel like chapter breaks. The images in the first chapter are of roads and buildings which signify the beginning of the journey that the artist wants to take the viewer on.

Week 10
Project Development 

I shared a mock up of my WIP Portfolio to some of my peers this week.


The feedback I received was constructive and in line with some of my own concerns. I need to work on the text as I want the story to be simple but to still "pack a punch". There are two images that I am struggling with. The first image doesn't feel like it fits with the work; I think the aspect ratio is wrong and I need to think about how various aspect ratios sit together. Panoramic images are bold and feel very different from more widely used aspect ratios.

The other image I'm struggling with is this image: I like what I am saying, but it doesn't feel quite right. I don't know whether it is the cinema setting or the colour of the cinema seats that is making the image not work for me.

My peers enjoyed the concept, but they said that the violent images made it feel like I was going in a different direction. They suggested I think about how I can contextualise these images, by using quotes or other images to connect the violent images better.  I agree with this and I am going to work on this before I submit the portfolio.

Week 10 
Forum - Instagram 

We were asked to think about instagram and to consider using it to promote our work. I don't use instagram, I closed down my account a few years ago. The reason for this was that I found myself focussing on how many likes I got which prevented me from posting. I do not think that the images that generate lots of likes are as strong as their popularity suggests. I can't deny that as a tool of self promotion instagram is one of the best platforms to use. I use it when I am hiring creative crew, it's a good place to get a feel of someone's practice. The photographer Joey L's use of instagram is a good example of the potential of instagram - https://www.instagram.com/joeyldotcom/

As I am move forward I am reluctantly accepting that I will have to create a work focussed instagram page. This time I am going to only use it for work and I am going to create my own work focussed community. The reason for this is to prevent me from getting sucked into thinking about likes and popularity. 

Week 8
Forum - Your Website

We were asked to share 3 websites that we like and we think will resonate well with potential clients. I like simple websites that focus on the images, but also promote someone's creative aesthetic. Simplicity is always the key.

Jack Davison's website feels clean and stylish - https://www.jackdavison.co.uk/

Cait Oppermann's website is also clean and simple and she is a great commercial photographer - http://caitoppermann.com/

Madhavan Palanisamy's website isn't the simplest website, but it is creative and it promotes his aesthetic - https://madhavanpalanisamy.com/

Reflecting on my own website I want it to be clean and focussed on my images. At the moment the website is a work in progress, but as the module continues I will be adding more images to it.